Page name: Insanity Cult Freaks! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-03-08 23:28:12
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T[o] T[h]E [i]N[s]A[n]I[t]Y [c]U[l]T[']S [f]R[e]A[k]S[h]O[w]

O[f] M[e]M[b]E[r]S

Im your Host.. [Mr. Oogie Boogie].. and this is the branched off part of the wiki Insanity cult! to show all of us freaks ^^...

the page will consist of the names of those who are members of the insanity cult.. trying to show a picture or more of ourselfs being naturally... weird..

Me and Alex [Lex] will be the only ones with the password to edit this page.... so if you want your picture's and comments and such up? send them to us and they will be added.. thank you

and have fun ^^

[Mr. Oogie Boogie]

- Yes.. i am the wonderful maker of this wiki branch xD

- Dont look at me *hisses*

- Which part is real? O_O


- The name is Imah Ottie! Yooh like meh! Do not deeeny deh truuf!

- Feel the wrath of the CHIPMUNK!!! *Eeeeeek; Chases people around squeaking*

- Can't... take.... the... SANITY LEVELS!!! >.<

[I be THE MAT!]

- WARNING!: Two awesomely cool and randy phycos on the loose!!! If seen please do not tell the authorities!!! They WILL have kinky sex with you involving whips and chains ^^

- Quote by [Mr. Oogie Boogie] "I chose to put this one up xD.. what can i say.. its perfect"

[The Incredible Bulk]

- I may be UNLOVED *Glares at Jack*, But at least

[shadows of life]

- I'm not that evil

- Really i'm not...


- [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: "Our one and only tramp xD"

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2008-02-14 [Lex]: Yay! we have begun a new psycho pathic turf!!! hehe

2008-02-14 [I be THE MAT!]: WOOOOOO!!! ^_^

2008-02-14 [Lex]: yay! now spread the word insane minions... of this new birth! .... tell ppl we need more piccys!

2008-02-14 [shadows of life]: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTness

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: c'mon shadows.. get a crazy picture xD.. this wiki is now my baby lol.. FEED IT

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: there we go xD.. thats actually pretty awesome xD

2008-02-14 [shadows of life]: i did

2008-02-14 [Lex]: lol... RAH! we have craziness!!

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: there amazing xD

2008-02-14 [shadows of life]: hehe :D

2008-02-14 [Lex]: i know i agree! ^^ im proud of you jack! and you too my minions!

2008-02-14 [shadows of life]: hey i'm not a minions

2008-02-14 [Lex]: Youre right... Freak ebil minion soldier hehe

2008-02-14 [shadows of life]: hey that still a minion

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: by royal decree of the leader of this wiki branch? all members except myself are minions of queen (king) alex.. all hail

2008-02-14 [shadows of life]: woot

2008-02-14 [Lex]: ..... *nods* i love how you selected yourself as a non minion... hehe.. You shall be of importance for this invention!

Take a knee Sir Jack....

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *kneels*

2008-02-14 [Lex]: i dub thee.. King of Insanity cult's freak page! You may stand!

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *stands up* why thank you my queen xD

2008-02-14 [Lex]: *nods* youre quite welcome *giggles* you may hug me now.... XD

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: what if i dont want to? what if i want to hug.. shadows.. instead? xD

2008-02-14 [shadows of life]: why would you?

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: to spite alex

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: you dont play.. your no fun >.> *hugs alex*

2008-02-14 [shadows of life]: *shrugs*

2008-02-14 [I be THE MAT!]: *Dances* Im randy ^^

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *pats shadows and pushes him towards matt* good luck *runs*

2008-02-14 [Lex]: *giggles* wow.. that was INTERESTING....

2008-02-14 [I be THE MAT!]: *starts dancing to Akons Smack That*

2008-02-14 [Lex]: *stares blankly* are you ok? are you having a seizure?! o.0

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *runs back and grabs alex's wrist then drags her away again*.. get out while you can girl xD

2008-02-14 [Lex]: *screams* OK OK!! *runs with* Why are we running.. ARE THE BEARS BACK!!!???? *gasps in feear*

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: yes.. now go

2008-02-14 [shadows of life]: *grabs alex and disappears*

2008-02-14 [I be THE MAT!]: *strips and dances to Im Too Sexy* WOOOOOO BABAY!!!!!!!

2008-02-14 [Lex]: no! no! no disappear! jack! jack hes gona get eaten!!!!

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *gets eaten*

2008-02-14 [Lex]: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *cries* my beautiful wonderful... jacky king!!! >.< T_T

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *is dead*

2008-02-14 [Lex]: *makes self re appear and runs beside jack and huggles him* you not gona be dead i shall make you live!

2008-02-14 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: you just hugged a bear... it ate me remember.. *the bear eats alex and we re-unite in its stomach..* hello dear

2008-02-14 [Lex]: o.o What the hell! *sits in confusion*...*Gasp* JACK! *huggles tightly*

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: <_< >_> WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *runs around*

2008-02-15 [Lex]: *starts banging on the bears organs from inside the stomach* damnit! mother effing mammal!! >.<

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *starts playing "under the sea" from the little mermaid on the bears organs*...

The seaweed is always greener.. in somebody elses lake..
you dream about going up there
but that is a big mistake

just look at the world around you
right here on the ocean floor..
such wonderous things around you..

what more is you looking for.. under the sea.. under the sea.. darling its better down where its wetter take it from meeeee..

2008-02-15 [Lex]: Up on the shore dey work all day out in the sun dey slave away.. *hums and dances around bouncing against the walls*

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: *pokes the bear*

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: THOSE were the next lyrics.. i knew it was something like that

2008-02-15 [Lex]: *bear growls and launches at shadows*

2008-02-15 [Lex]: hehe.. woot!

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: hehe *pokes it a again*

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *it eats him*

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: *turns to shadows and slips out*

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: stop doing that xD

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: NEVER!

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *climbs out of the bear and throws a boomerang at shadows*

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: *watches pass thought me*

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *gets out a vacuum cleaner*

oh yes.. i went there

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: i'm not a ghost

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: have you ever tried getting a ghost in a vac? *taps shadows' head*... dont be silly.. ghost require a different technique

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: haven't you see casper?

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: your basing this on casper?

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: well they did it

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: they also fought with umbrellas and brought someone back from the dead.. do you see that happening?

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: you could fight with umbrellas

2008-02-15 [Lex]: *giggles and starts climbing out from the bears mouth* hehehe. you guys... ughhh need too *falls to the ground* Chill! owwwww... *rubs head* damn bear! *kicks it*

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: xD i could actually imagine that.. and im still laughing lol

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: *take out a umbrella*

2008-02-15 [Lex]: XD shut up!!! *shoves you* not funny that hurt! *rubs back* damn that hurt.

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: *waves the umbrella around*

2008-02-15 [Lex]: o.0 umbrella?... *stares out shadows frozen*

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *gets out an umbrella* On Garde

2008-02-15 [Lex]: *backs up* ill be Ref.!!! *stands on sideline and has a rainbow stripped shirt on* ready set... FIGHT!

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: on garde *take a stance*

2008-02-15 [Lex]: *blows whistle* Go! i said!

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: *goes for a shoulder hit*

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *parry's* *swings at your leg*

2008-02-15 [Lex]: *steps back a bit further and watches with intensity*

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: *jumps and swings again*

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *gets hit in the shoulder*.. GARGH... *swings at your chest*

2008-02-15 [Lex]: *blows whistle* stop stop stop. Shadows! Rule! you may not use your powers.

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: *blocks then hit the ground* i wasn't going to in the first place

2008-02-15 [Lex]: i was just sayin... *shrugs* ok.. continue...

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *fakes a lunge.. then swings up*

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: ok *get up and swings to the side*

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *parrys again*

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: *Kick at your leg*

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *drops down to one knee.. Swipes at your ankles*

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: *jumps back and swings down*

2008-02-15 [Lex]: *closes eyes* this is bad bad bad.

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: sorry

2008-02-15 [Lex]: lol. why!?

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: what?

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: confused

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: woot

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: night xD

btw shadows.. im off to bed xD.. so i forfeit.. you win.. *shakes hand*

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: ok then i didn't really care how won

2008-02-15 [Lex]: .... haha. woooow.. that was interesting.. and ALREADY 200 COMMENTS! hehehehe...

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: there 92 comments

2008-02-15 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: yeha alex.. foo' xD

2008-02-15 [shadows of life]: well now there 102

2008-02-16 [The Incredible Bulk]: Bow wow?

2008-02-16 [I be THE MAT!]: *dies* I have too much work to do

2008-02-17 [Lex]: Lol. Foo!!!?? mmhmmm

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: foo'.. its fool? but take off the L? you know.. xD

2008-02-17 [Lex]: haha yeah i know.. but WHO YOU THINK YOU CALLIN A FOO'!? FOO'!

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: you?

2008-02-17 [Lex]: lol i love the question in that... lol "You?" haha

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: *gets up, grabs laptop and starts doing work* This is the mean cause of depression v.v

2008-02-17 [Lex]: ..........i duno... could be...

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: *continues to work* Yep i think it is X_X, need a energy bar^^

2008-02-17 [Lex]: .... i need... bawls.

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: O.o Say what?

2008-02-17 [shadows of life]: :D

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Yo shadows *waves*

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